WTF Challenge at Sydney’s in London

This is a challenge in North London. Its out in Zone 4 on the Victoria Line. Its about 30 minutes from Kings Cross on the Piccadilly line.

There isn’t much information online about this. The challenge itself is quite vague and possibly changes from time to time. Outside there is a sign that states there is a challenge but doesn’t give any details.

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So the challenge, at the time of writing is a 1lb burger with cheese, bacon and onion rings, 2 chicken wings, 2 mozzarella sticks, 1.2kg (2.64lbs) of curly fries and a vanilla milkshake. Free is you finish in 30 minutes otherwise £28.

Usually eating challenges don’t give you the weight of the sides. They are usually something vague like a bowl of chips or a treble portion of fries. Its quite unusual to get a definite weight. 1.2kg is a lot of fries but its not until you see it that you realise the size of the challenge.

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I could pretty much tell from when it came out that I wasn’t going to complete this one. I’d been to a house party the day before and so did no training for this. Even with training it’d have been tough but after night out, impossible.

I put on a brave face,

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With these challenges, you can sort of gauge where you are half way through. At the 17 minute mark, I’d finished everything apart from the fries and milkshake. I’d tried a few fries but they weren’t going down well at all. I just gave up then. I could have eat more but it’d just make me ill and I’d just fail by less.

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Still a mountain there at the end. I had 13 minutes left to finish that. Better to throw in the towel. I had a train to catch home and I didn’t fancy failing then suffering for 3 hours on the way home and still failing. Maybe one day I’ll go back but I think the 1.2kg of chips is a killer.

Other people have finished it though. There’s a fellow on their facebook page that did it in 28 minutes. Very impressive.

There’s a video on Youtube about the challenge last year. Looks smaller than now.

If you fancy the challenge, here are the details

Sydney’s Bar & Grill
86 Chase Side
N24 5PH

Facebook page

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