Taco Mazama – Glasgow Part2! 1

My second and last challenge of my Glasgow stopover.

What it is:

  • A 1.5 kg burrito (yes, they weight it with a scale, so no cheating!)
Hand for scale.

That’s it. Just a massive 1.5kg burrito, with your choice of fillings. You have 10 minutes to get it all down. If you succeed, you get the meal for free and your picture on the Wall of Fame. Fail, and it’s the Wall of Shame for you! Plus you’d need to pay up the £15 price.

Fillings vary from chicken, beef, pork, or vegetarian. Rice is standard, as well as beans. Other than that, you have a choice of salsas and cheese, as well as various sauces.

For mine, I went with pulled pork and pulled beef. The chicken looked like breast meat, so I knew it would be dryer. Extra ‘normal’ salsa to get in some healthy vegetables, and I decided to skip the cheese! Need to watch the waistline after all!

I had no technique to this one. Literally just bite, chew, savour, and swallow. Since I was in town for the weekend, and indulging in the local cuisine, I had no intention to push myself unnecessarily or prep. I knew from experience that 10 minutes for this amount and type of food was well within a comfortable effort level for me.

As for the burrito itself, a strong cumin flavour stood out to me. Other than that, it was quite homogenous. A pleasant surprise was the rice to filling ratio. More than half of the burrito was meat and salsa. It was indeed a pleasant and glorious sight when they top up your underweight burrito with meat instead of rice!

Bite by bite, I coasted along to a comfortable finish in 5.34. You can really push the times on this one I think, since all of the fillings are juicy. This is one you could ‘drink’ almost, but I have to warn you to be careful. If you’re not used to it, don’t try be a hero. A £15 burrito or ego is not worth the choking hazard.

Overall though, not a tough challenge, and potentially a very filling (late) lunch option if you skip your breakfast. It’s a pretty decent burrito that isn’t mostly rice. It left enough space to enjoy some of the other wonderful food the city had to offer.

If you fancy a go, you can find the challenge at one of three locations. You’d need to come after 3pm though to miss the lunch-rush:

6 Renfield St     Glasgow G2 5AL Tel: 0141 248 8940 263 Byres Rd     Glasgow G12 8TL Tel: 0141 337 3399 2nd Floor     Buchanan Galleries 220 Buchanan St Glasgow G1 2FF

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