End of an Era 1

Its time for me to move on from this site. Its always been just for the lols but recently there have been too many failures. I don’t want to end up like Apollo Creed in Rocky 4 taking on 1 too many fights and regretting it. A friend sent to me over Whatsapp when I told him I was giving it up.

2014-03-10 21.17.04

Obviously in jest but there is some truth in that. Too many failures. I only had two options, raise my game or pass the baton on to a worthy successor.

Luckily I found one today. His name is Alex. He’s the dude that thought up the Smoke Man vs Food Challenge and managed to do it in 25 minutes.

He actually featured on the site before, winning an eating contest in Nottingham. I think he’ll have the ability to complete challenges that I have failed and move the site onward.

Ben and Alex at Smoke

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  1. Pingback: Burger Challenge at the Cavendish Sheffield | Eating Challenges

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