This is a new challenge at the Cavendish in Sheffield. I saw it on twitter. It looks deceptively simple, so I thought I’d come out of retirement for 1 challenge only and finish on a high.
I thought it would be pretty easy. Just looks like 2 burgers and 2 cups of chips. Usually, theses challenges get you with the amount of chips. I turned up for a late lunch after skipping breakfast. I didn’t really think much of it. It was going to be a straightforward challenge for man to win. I’d eaten bigger burgers before.
I really thought this was going to be a free meal. Even after reading the descriptions I was still confident.
Dirty Burger £10.95.
Down and dirty! A bun-bursting double-stack burger, topped with grilled chicken breast, tender pulled pork, BBQ sauce, sliced gherkins and a fried creamy macaroni cheese bite and served with Boston BBQ beans.
I figured, 2 * 6oz burgers, 4oz chicken breast, 4oz pulled pork and a bit for the bread. Say 24oz total, that times 2. Thats 48oz which is 3lbs of food, plus the chips and beans. Perfectable doable as the chips were in small cups. They discounted the meal a little, so instead of charging £21.90, they just charged £20.
I wasn’t as confident when it came out though. Looked a lot bigger than what it did in the photos from Twitter.
Close up of the challenge
Doesn’t look that big in the picture but compare it to a pint glass. Both those burgers stacked would be bigger than a pint glass. Still, I was still quite confident as I’d skipped breakfast and ate quite early the day before. I was smiling for the picture.
It was just like old times. Tacked the burger toppings first, ate one of the burgers like I’d eat a slice of toast and then eat the single burger in a bun. It did go as smoothly as that but the problem was, I started to feel full already. I’d made a token effort with the chips and beans but the main thing with the challenges is to get the meat down. The chicken breast, pulled pork and cheese bite where nice but extremely filling.
I started on burger 2 but it dawned on me, even 10 or minutes so into the challenge, I wasn’t going to be able to do this and even if I did it would be Pyrrhic. I threw in the towel at about the 15 minute mark. Could I have carried on? Most certainly, would have I have won? Probably not.
I in the end, I left loads. There was a full burger and bun, most of the chips, some beans and all of the coleslaw. Coleslaw wasn’t mentioned in the meal but they gave me a dollop of that. The good thing about that is I walked out fine and was able to carry on my day rather than failing and feeling ill.
It does remind of why I retired in the first place. After this fiasco, I don’t think I’ll be returning to any eating challenges.
If you fancy a go, here are the details.
Cavendish, Sheffield, 220-238 West Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S1 4EU
Website, twitter and facebook.
At the time of writing 5 people including me have tried and failed. If you are the first, take some pictures, contact me and I’ll do a feature.
Do you have any advice for a burger challenge which consists of 40 oz meat with 4baskets of chips in 30 minstrel at the smoke shack in Milton keynes. Do I quit now or can you save me?
its 2019 and i gotta know has anyone defeated this? if not i will defeat those burgers
No idea if anyone has, but best of luck if you do attempt it! Let me know how you get on.
I don’t think they do it anymore. try one of those at the ridgeway arms.