Man vs Mulberry Challenge

WP Upload Directory not writable! Check file and directory permissions
This is a user submitted challenge. No name thanks anyway. I have never taken this challenge, but it has always been advertised for the last few years, so people must give it a go. I am sure that you need to book before trying as well. The normal burgers are very good though, so can’t ...

Challenge Burger and Big Dawg

WP Upload Directory not writable! Check file and directory permissions
This is a user submitted challenge, thanks, Alec. We double stack two 6oz Moo Moo beef patties on top of each other (that’s a helluva lotta beef!), then we add Nacho Chicken Strippers, melted mozzarella cheese, homemade chilli, rashers of crispy bacon, nacho chips & crispy onion rings. Oh, & don’t forget your double helping ...