Wicked Waffle challenge 1

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This is a user submitted challenge, thanks Harry. About me, My name is Harry spent 25 years in the Royal Navy, when I left the Navy I wanted to do something different. So I opened up a modern day ice cream parlour. It is called Wicked Waffle and is a new Waffle and Gelato ice ...

The Big Ugly Burger & Steak Challenges

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These are a couple of user submitted challenges. Thanks Hannah. The first is a burger challenge. 12 Inches, 3lbs of Homemade British Beef Burger served in a Bun with Chips, Salad, Coleslaw & Onion Rings. 30 Minutes to eat everything on the Board! £25 is the cost of The Burger! if you eat it all ...

Bond Hotel Attempt to claim UKs largest Beefburger 2

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One of the Managers of the Bond Hotel took on a Challenge as a bit of fun, Graham trained in the Isle of Man as a butcher thought why not make a big burger for some fun. Graham moved over here and as worked as part of the family of the run Hotel for over ...