Blazing Buffalo Wings & The Tower Burger Challenge at Genting Blackpool

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This is a user submitted challenge. Thanks Mina. Blazing Buffalo Wings will put your tastes buds to the test with this red hot challenge, manage to eat 10 of our Blazing Buffalo wings with the chefs very own secret recipe in under 10 minutes you will receive your meal for Free**, Win your place in ...

Captain’s Challenge at Captain Jacks Newquay

WP Upload Directory not writable! Check file and directory permissions
This is a user submitted challenge, thanks Jos. Bacon double cheeseburger, slow & low ribs, Kentucky style chicken, cheesy garlic bread, onion rings & fries. Yet to be completed! Half an hour to finish! Not much info on this one. The picture doesn’t really do it justice. 30 people have tried and failed during it’s ...