Monster Mega Breakfast Challenge Bristol 2

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This is a user submitted challenge. Thanks Lucy. The Corner Cafe Portishead– ***We challenge you to eat 6 sausages, 6 bacon, 4 eggs, 2 omelettes (3 eggs per omelette), 4 portions of fried potatoes, 4 portions of Mushrooms, 4 black pudding, 4 Hash Browns, 2 ladles of Beans, 2 ladles of tinned tomatoes, 1/2 of ...

Burger Challenge at the Cavendish Sheffield 4

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This is a new challenge at the Cavendish in Sheffield. I saw it on twitter. It looks deceptively simple, so I thought I’d come out of retirement for 1 challenge only and finish on a high. I thought it would be pretty easy. Just looks like 2 burgers and 2 cups of chips. Usually, theses ...

Haymaker Steak 78oz Steak Challenge

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This is a user submitted challenge. Thanks Keith. Finish the 78 oz Goliath Steak & get your picture on the Haymaker Wall of Fame & win the Haymaker ‘I Slayed Goliath’ T-Shirt Since opening in March 2012 & September 2014 there has been 276 Challengers vs 24 Slayers Short and sweet. There are no sides ...

258oz steak challenge – for 10 people or less 2

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This is a user submitted challenge. Not really a challenge as such. No one person is going to be able to eat this. It’d be for a team of people at least. Thanks Alex. We are celebrating James Gillray’s birthday and this week he would have been 258 years old! James Gillray’s is our famous ...

Frankie’s BBQ food challenge

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This is a user submitted challenge. Thanks Stephanie. Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to consume every bit of food on the plate with 45 minutes. If you manage to do this (bones excluded) with no help from your friends or random passers by, then you will get it completely free of ...